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Evil Season 4 Episode 6 Review: How to Dance in Three Easy Steps


How dark of a path must our beloved assessors walk?

At times, it seems like it's all a little too much for them, and Evil Season 4 Episode 6 was one of those times.

"How to Dance in Three Easy Steps" showed just how easy it is to lose yourself in the dance of life when it's the worst thing for you.

Confessional Dance - Evil S04E06

The Devil Made Me Do It

Katherine Orlander was in prison for killing her children. A former professional dancer, she refused to stop dancing in her cell, so the assessors were called in to assist.

By all accounts, she seemed to be possessed. She had all the classic symptoms, and really, what else could drive a parent (a mother, especially) to kill her children? Why not the devil?

If this were true, it's a theory I'd fully embrace. Trying to imagine killing your own children, most of which are mere babies when it happens, necessitates dissonance from reality.

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Just today, soldiers egregiously imprisoned for engaging in gay sex have been given the opportunity to apply for a full pardon.

Have you ever heard of someone imprisoned for marijuana possession being set free once it was legalized?

How would Katherine have ever found peace even if she had lived long enough to be proven to have been under the influence of a demon when she killed her kids?

Possession - Evil S04E06 - How to Dance

Isabella, the Dance Team, and The Movement

There is currently a Netflix docuseries called Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult, which examines a cult-like movement that has taken the internet by storm.

Isabella had something going on that allowed her to capture Kristen's spirit and invade David's psyche during the performance.

David felt the negative effects of his "muse," but Kristen was easily swayed by Isabella.

Isabella did make a point about the differences between men and women gathering: "When two or more men are gathered, it's a church. When two or more women are gathered, it's a coven."

Despite oodles of evidence about matriarchial societies and goddess worship, we somehow have supplanted women in religion. Perhaps that's why women are eager to embrace something like this dance group.

Of course, it wasn't that easy.

Possessed - Evil S04E06 - How to Dance

A Revived Sigal?

Throughout both of the above storylines ran the possibility of a long-dead sigal being revived.

The implications of a revival would have, at the very least, set back the work the assessors have been doing trying to thwart evil.

Related: Evil Cast Talks the Baby Antichrist, Remote Viewing, and Hope for Another Season

As it turned out, the true murderer of Katherine's children was behind the revival, and Father Dominic told her now was the time to claim her rightful place as the instigator.

Was it just me, or did it seem like he had more knowledge of her history than we were shown? The language she spoke as she was dragged away somehow put him on the inside of her insidious actions.

David's handlers have always been mysterious, and I'm not sure we should fully embrace Father Dominic just yet.

Father David - Evil S04E06 - How to Dance

Murder is God's Work

Embracing Father Dominic is increasingly difficult when he's putting David in moral danger.

The Father had another assignment for David, which comes more frequently now that he's David's handler.

When there was a sneaky fellow at the wheel, it was more complicated for David to be called into action. Now, it seems like he's the go-to guy for such tragedies.

Still, the burden placed on David to find endangered clergy is rough. He's actively working to save people as an assessor, and now his other "job" is to save even more with the more challenging aspect of remote viewing.

He's now committed murder under Father Dominic's watch. David knows this work is harming him, and he can't escape the anger of the people he enters.

For his peace of mind, David might need to escape, The Entity be damned.

Listening - Evil S04E06 - How to Dance

Sheryl Manipulates the Girls Into Spending Time with Timothy

Sheryl's manipulation of the girls to spend time with Timothy is concerning, if only because she's doing it behind Kristen's back.

Still, if she hadn't done that, she wouldn't have known what happened to Andy. The irony of her part in destroying Kristen's husband couldn't have been lost on her.

It's hard to tell what her endgame is right now, but she's growing increasingly hostile toward Leland. He rests easy with the notion that his business is a man's world.

Related: 12 TV Shows That Might Trigger a Crisis of Religious Faith.

We've seen him and his male cohorts laughing at Sheryl in her tiny office and Leland and The Manager discussing how she's not worth too much based on her sex.

But the dancers' counterstoryline poises a different ending for Sheryl, in which she succeeds in tearing down the mechanizations the men have created.

She may still be a bit diabolical in how she protects her family, but at least she's awakened to the truth about Leland.

Coven - Evil S04E06 - How to Dance

Seeking Meaning in a World of Sorrow

It was just a little thing, but when Boggs realized his story was awful, he found a pamphlet that reminded him he was not alone in seeking meaning in a world of sorrow.

That suits the other stories at play here, showing how easy it is to walk through a door when you're troubled that would have otherwise remained closed.

While there is some good in the world and people who seek the comfort of God are usually rewarded with peace and kindness, groups like those from the dance troup are also prolific.

When someone feels they are lacking in some way, the urge to fill that hole can be overpowering. People hope for an easy answer and can be fooled into doing things that aren't good for them.

Boggs won in the end. The girls used his childish story featuring their family to create a childish online rendition that grabbed attention right out of the box.

At this rate, Boggs will never learn anything that will make him a better person. He needs a lesson that will sway him in the right direction!

Unfathomable - Evil S04E06 - How to Dance

How It All Ties Together

I can't help but think about the lessons learned here and how the suggestion of following a dark path relates to what David is experiencing.

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Father Dominic assures him that he's saving lives by taking another, but what does God say about that? Isn't He the ultimate barometer of good and evil?

God has said to turn the other cheek. Has he said, "If clergy is kidnapped, kill for their release? Infiltrate the minds of strangers using your gift, David?"

Getting a Message - Evil S04E06 - How to Dance

These Storylines Need an Update

We saw Timothy, but how is the plan for Leland's anointing him as the Antichrist coming along? My gosh. Can you imagine an Antichrist that cute? That is one cute little baby.

Can you believe the girls haven't let slip that they know they have a brother?

Did Ben cure his demonic visions? I thought he was on the right track, but we didn't have evidence of it yet. Did I miss it?

Shoot me a message down below to tell me how you are enjoying the season so far!

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